My life is crazy, lol. I'm sorry to the few followers I have.


Hello my lovelies! Sorry for my innactivity, i have been very busy. Anyways! The stories My Best Friend Is My Mate? and Why Him, Why Her, Why Us? are both being completely revised. MBFIMM is now Long Lost... Mates?! and WHWHWU is now The Fairy Assassin. Again, I'm sorry for the long wait!!!


I'm so sorry that I still have not updated anything yet! I've just been going through a lot. the state took my soon two months ago and every waking moment is dedicated to trying to get him back....  I'm also pregnant AGAIN. Sooo yeah, lots on my plate. There isn't much more I can do to get my son back now other than clean and wait, so I will be doing some writing for a bit.


OK!!! So, I finally have wifi at my house and my computer is working properly. Life's hectic still, what with me being 41 weeks pregnant and hopefully in a day or so I will be induced, so then I'll have my newborn to take care of. I will try my best to do an update of one story soon!


Ok... Soooooo... Because I have so many books that I've written.... And can't decide which one to update next.. How bout each of you tell me your fave book of mine? Then I'll start going down the list by popularity... And will ditch the ones that get no votes.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on a lot... ... ok... at all for the past several years... but I've been super busy with school... I don't know how often i will get on for awhile, since I currently use only the school laptop... But soon i might be able to get on with my kindle.. and soon might have a laptop of my own! Sorry I've been gone >.<