I have a bad news to inform you that I hope you understand. Starting today onwards, The story 'To The Red Line' will be remove from Wattpad due to a copyright issues. I've had a hard and long time thinking about it and if it wasn't for an acquaintance of mine who'd said to me that if I am planning to publish that story anytime soon that I shouldn't be posting the story there. He was right and I took his words to heart.
I however, will still leave the other two 'A Modern Fairy Tale Romance' and 'Me, Them, and Our Secrets' stories for now in Wattpad. Should the time come where I need to put down those two stories, you will be the first people to know.
I would also like to thank everyone's supports for taking your time to read TTRL stories. without your supports, I wouldn't never gotten to this far.
That being said, please look forward of reading it (again) a complete version of it, book form of ebook, anytime soon!
RedLiners, Forever!