
Just poking my head in to see what's happening. As expected, not a lot. Over this summer I will be pulling most of my library, though I have plans to edit and re-post the writing guide people seem to like.
          	WP was never more than an experiment, and it could have been a good one if the people managing this platform weren't content to strip it down to its bare bones and never actually improve the experience for either authors or readers.
          	Here are some alternatives for those of you who may be looking - all of these beat WP in most ways except for traffic, but since the majority of WP's demographic is so narrow I'm not convinced it matters.
          	- Miraquill
          	- Sweek
          	- Writersky
          	- Commaful (meh)
          	- Inkitt
          	- Penana (meh, tho a LOT of WP stories would probably find a home here)
          	- Belletristica
          	- Neovel
          	- Fanfiction.net
          	- Writing.com (a more serious, craft focused site)
          	- Reedsy (great resources, great place to post for beta readers)
          	Also don't forget to jump on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. The author communities in all three spaces are huge. Just be careful with Booktok and stay out of the aggressive threads, it can get kind of toxic.


@FCCleary cool, I’m nerdprincess25 on discord


@DragonRose25 You're very welcome. I'm not abandoning WP entirely, just shifting my attention where I think it'll be more useful. If you're on discord feel free to ping me at fccleary :)


@FCCleary Hey I missed you! And thanks for the tips!


Just poking my head in to see what's happening. As expected, not a lot. Over this summer I will be pulling most of my library, though I have plans to edit and re-post the writing guide people seem to like.
          WP was never more than an experiment, and it could have been a good one if the people managing this platform weren't content to strip it down to its bare bones and never actually improve the experience for either authors or readers.
          Here are some alternatives for those of you who may be looking - all of these beat WP in most ways except for traffic, but since the majority of WP's demographic is so narrow I'm not convinced it matters.
          - Miraquill
          - Sweek
          - Writersky
          - Commaful (meh)
          - Inkitt
          - Penana (meh, tho a LOT of WP stories would probably find a home here)
          - Belletristica
          - Neovel
          - Fanfiction.net
          - Writing.com (a more serious, craft focused site)
          - Reedsy (great resources, great place to post for beta readers)
          Also don't forget to jump on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. The author communities in all three spaces are huge. Just be careful with Booktok and stay out of the aggressive threads, it can get kind of toxic.


@FCCleary cool, I’m nerdprincess25 on discord


@DragonRose25 You're very welcome. I'm not abandoning WP entirely, just shifting my attention where I think it'll be more useful. If you're on discord feel free to ping me at fccleary :)


@FCCleary Hey I missed you! And thanks for the tips!


It's time to find a new platform. Wattpad is continuing to cut writers off from each other and from readers, beginning with their annexing of the message boards and never following up with a promised replacement.
          This change might not kill the platform, but I have no use for a social media outlet that is eliminating its social media components. There've been no meaningful improvements to the platform since 2020, and they keep degrading it simply because it's easier than dealing with the same problems everyone else is successfully managing.
          I don't pay for the service so they can do what they want, but they can do it without me.
          I'll still be here for the time being (for the few who care), but you'll also be able to find my work on Reedsy, Writers.com and possibly one or more alternatives. Check out my IG for updates (link in bio).
          On the plus side, this is simply incentive to get my work published once and for all...


@FCCleary I feel you, it is very hard to edit one's own books! And indeed, it is an unique story imo and very interesting. :)


@Mimi_Lind Sure thing. I feel it's in need of a rewrite anyway - still think it's a story worth writing, and I think it's a decent read compared with a lot of books that aren't professionally edited, but it's not an awesome execution and I can do better.


@FCCleary let me know when you do and I’ll follow you. Still haven’t finished reading your book, hoping to have more reading time in the summer :)


Job fears, specifically the potential loss of mine in the near future, are rearing up again. It's a shame because the company I work for is good, the people are good, but the loss of an important contract and bad timing on a couple of others means they have to consider selling. And if they sell, it's a near certainty they'll downsize. My name is at the top of that list. Not sure what my options are at this point, but I've been through worse. I'm just trying to manage the anxiety while I wait to see what happens.


Mama cat had another litter of kittens, another five little furry beans. It's fun but stressful. Cost to neuter here is over the top, and I've been too busy to plan a road trip to have it done for free. Would have been too late anyway, the little hussy got knocked up over Christmas. It shouldn't have been an issue but the winter has been so warm there wasn't an off season for breeding.
          I managed to find homes for 3 of the last batch, and I have no doubt I can home the rest of these little buggers. Awful cute though. How bad could having 8 cats be?


@Olivia_Benedetti  ok then maybe I won't try that


Really bad. Did it before 


One reason I haven't been posting is because I haven't been doing the hard work. I've been writing, but between my job and my after-work commitments I end up brain fried and the last thing I want to do is deep-edit a manuscript.
          On the plus side, I've still been writing. It's all first draft material, penciling down crappy ideas and piecing together loose storylines. I'll have a lot of material to work on when I finally come up for air.


@FCCleary I understand that. I've been under the weather and a bit brain-fogged. That keeps me doing my edits and rewrites, but I can still write some new stuff. Whether it's any good, I'll figure out once I feel better, probably after this weekend. I did at least write a new 100-word flash fiction a few minutes ago, and will post it momentarily...if I don't get distracted.


Hey, so I haven't been very active lately. Change in jobs, change in social life, change in pet to human ratio... many changes. I'm gonna try to get more active, but I wanted to stop in and recommend swinging by @ShutUpAndWriteClub. They're launching a literary magazine and are looking for books to review.


@TakiZyn Both I think. They want to be more involved in the WP community but also be a useful resource for writers regardless of where they come from.


@FCCleary Are they looking for published books or Wattpad books or both?