Guys, Its been so long...


Guess who WELL AND ALIVE to start that REWRITE.
          ME!!, I've been thinking, and thought about it very carefully. I wanna rewrite my book, Your path to choose, there is going to be ALOT of changed things, different twists and just, basically make more abt the cutting edge characters, Hunter and Edric.
          Now I've learned some new writing styles and different ways to make things kinda hit, like the 2nd hand embarrassment lmfao. And, if there's any updates on the book, I'll put them in messages so that N/A's and other little things don't override or flood it to the point it gets annoying and that's basically all your reading. The chapters will be weekly, there'll be more warnings, more detail about things, more elaboration, unnecessary things won't be detailed, etc. Etc, and if you have any advice on how I should also write a few more things, (consteuctive criticism would be wonderfull rn), I already know the basics of what I did (constant repeating, random added things, somethings coming out weird yadda yadda).
          Just thought I'd let you all know :), the first part will be coming out this Sunday EST (at any part of the day). So be ready for an upgrade :D.
          Pip pip <33