here yee here yee, grave is back again with some upsetting internet youtube art community news. again.
(TW grooming)
i’m just extreamly upset by this currently and i feel i have a right to at least talk about it?
so synni (scootaloo loves sans if you don’t know) has been outed as a predator and has been talking to 17-14 year olds.
i’m not even surprised i’m just disapointed. she was one of my biggest inspos like ever in art when i was younger, it’s just not fair that she has hurt people.
if you want more information i’d reccomend you watch jack’s (birdie) video on it and read the documents made about her that are linked in the description of that video.
i wish the victim (enno), jack, and all those other people who have been affected by synni’s behavior are well.
good day to you all