i havent been here in so long oh my


hi everyone! i just want to say that im sorry for not being that active on here
          when i first got wattpad, i wasn’t really in a good place mentally but im very thankful for everyone on this app that made my day by sometimes just responding to my comment  :) i love yall
          but im better now! 
          with my ringette team we won our provincials and we went to canadian championship, and we placed 5th!!
          with all the trainings, school and everything going on in my life i couldn’t really be on here 
          i don’t think im gonna be as active as i was in 2021 but if i dont respond, dw im not dead ;) 
          i dont have anything to read so if you have any suggestions, they are always welcome! 
          ily xx


thank you <33


@FEARLESS-S congrats on your ringette team!! that's so awesome, im so happy for you!!!!!