* ⸝⸝⸝   cb & specify !!


  ⋆   soft on lav, chaos here


this message may be offensive
  holy shit,  this view is neat.   and look at this sunset!
            ⋆   lav has to hibernate during the winter, so leading up to it, she spends as much time as she can with her friends, especially atlas! she finds comfort in him


" and what's got you so upset ?   ....do you want a hug ? "


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀with   an   incredulous   look   on   his   face,   atlas   would   put   his   palm   up   as   though   to   say   STOP.   accepting   something   like   a   hug   was   new   territory.   especially   with   jason.   it   was   not   teasing   or   lighthearted—-   it   was   to   COMFORT   him.   which   made   it   foreign   territory.ㅤㅤ‎“    no.   thanks.   ”ㅤㅤ‎he   crossed   his   arms   over   himself.ㅤㅤ‎“    it's   nothing,   really.   ”


" i just don't get it . "   jason turned to hide his face in the couch cushion , resisting the urge to scream .   " arkham is a revolving door so why does it still exist ? "


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀atlas   sat   perched   on   top   of   the   back   of   the   couch.   he   often   sat   like   that   alone,   but   he'd   grown   comfortable   enough   with   jason   to   do   it   in   front   of   him   as   well.   a   small   mercy   in   the   midst   of   whatever   heavy   emotions   were   about   to   spill.ㅤㅤ‎"  the   city   officials   like   to   THINK   they're   helping.   they   never   stop   to   really   give   a   crap   unless   it   effects   their   pockets.   or   LIFE.  "   he   hummed,   watching   jason   from   above.   he   didn't   really   care   about   arkham,   but   he   hadn't   sworn   himself   to   PROTECTING   this   city   either   so..   he   was   doing   his   best   to   empathize.   the   closest   he   got   was   borderline   sympathy.   he   couldn't   imagine   how   much   it   sucked   to   put   someone   away   only   to   see   them   a   few   weeks   later,   wrecking   the   same   havoc   as   before   like   it   had   all   been   FUTILE.   if   anything,   it   only   further   proved   to   the   cat   that   looking   out   for   yourself   was   the   best   way   to   go   about   things.   but   this   was   seemingly   NOT   the   time   to   mention   that.


"for someone with your profession  ,  your house was pitifully  easy  to break into."


@decipher-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀a   grimace   would   cast   over   his   face   briefly.   the   more   he   learned   about   the   league,   the   more   he   realized   all   of   it   had   been   against   his   will.   knowledge   was   power   but   in   this   instance,   he'd   prefer   the   bliss   of   ignorance   if   he   was   being   honest.ㅤㅤ‎“    RIGHT.   OF   COURSE   THEY   DO.   ”ㅤㅤ‎he   sighed,   feeling   a   little   more   helpless   than   he'd   like   to.ㅤㅤ‎“    UH..   DO   YOU   WANT   WATER   OR   SOMETHING?   ”ㅤㅤ‎hopefully   to   get   both   of   their   minds   OFF   of   harming   the   sweet   felines   that   roamed   about.


            "you do not assume incorrectly. a majority of the league harm animals even if it is not necessary." maybe it was the different meeting that made him loose lipped  ,  or the elegant creatures that were now in view  ,  but he found it dangerous either way. he bit the inside of the cheek in a silent reminder before speaking this time. "until I am informed to do otherwise."


@atychiphxbia-  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀he'd   raise   a   brow   in   surprise   as   he   set   the   water   down.   "  didn't   know   where   the   league   drew   the   line.  breaking   and   entering   and   murder   was   assumed,   animal   cruelty   just   kinda   fit   the   bill.  "   he   replied.   as   if   on   cue,   two   cats   would   crawl   onto   the   bed.   another   would   circle   the   stranger   with   wide,   curious   eyes.   a   big,   fluffy   white   cat.   "  how   long   are   you   gonna   be   here..   standing   in   the   dark?  "


we gotta stop meeting like this.


@NlGHTWNGS  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀you   say   that   like   it's   a   bad   thing,   birdy.   i   can   EXPAND   those   horizons.


i’d hardly say these meetings of ours are fun, but i suppose we’ve got very different definitions of fun.


@NlGHTWNGS  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀but   where   would   the   fun   be   in   that??




@NlGHTWNGS  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀[      knowledge   was   one   of   the   greatest   things   a   guy   could   have.   it   made   the   cat   feel   like   he   had   the   upper   hand   somehow.   even   if,   he'd   come   here   to   tell   him   this   exact   information   for   free,   he'd   somehow   leave   with   nightwing   owing   him.     ]      cobblepot   plans   on   luring   the   little   one—-   robin.   he   got   a   large   shipment   of   explosives   today.   overheard   him   talking   about   it.


[ whatever he would be owing him would probably not be the greatest thing in the world, but that was a risk he was willing to take— maybe. ]    fine. why are you here?


@NlGHTWNGS  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀oooh,   fun.   alright.   you'll   owe   me.   nothing   crazy.      [     he   licked   his   lower   lip,   tilting   his   head.     ]


/    I hope this is ok - 
          “ So … do you count as a furry then ? “ the red head questioned , crossing her ankles as she followed the other around . “ I mean , if so there’s nothing wrong with it — “ 


@FELlNED … / 
            The red head blinked to the males curiosity , her green hues glancing left and right as if asking in silence if she had stuttered , “ Yeah ?? “ She responded , her tone laced in the same questioning way before she skipping a head of the male , “ Unless you’ve got someone else in mind , then I can go blow something up alone . “ she shrugged, turning on her heels with a hum. 


@-HXTTOPIC  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀“    WE?   ”ㅤㅤ‎he   rose   a   brow   in   response,   his   curiosity   piqued.   it   wasn't   out   of   the   ordinary   for   him   to   be   surprised   at   something   like   this.   in   gotham,   it   was   rare   that   someone   took   an   interest   in   this   former   protege's   antics.   other   than   TWO-FACE,   of   course.   but   he   didn't   count.   he   sucked.


            “ Anytime , kitty-cat . “ She mused playfully , the small smirk forming . Mavis meant no harm when she called him what she did , she just wanted to poke a bit of childish fun at him . “ Soooooo , Where we going? “ 


" ....what exactly am i looking at here ?? "   jason peeked over the back of the couch , rubbing at his eyes .


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀he   hummed   in   appreciation.   atlas   had   honestly   just   wanted   to   try   it   on,   see   what   the   other   wore   out   and   about.   jason   seeing   him   was   actually   / not /   part   of   the   plan.   it   turned   out   to   be   a   pleasant   surprise   though.   "  knew   you   would.  "   he   grinned.ㅤㅤ‎GOOSEBUMPS   erupted   beneath   the   jacket   when   jason   wrapped   his   arms   around   him.   there   was   something   about   the   simplicity   and   lack   of   hesitation   that   had   his   heart   skipping   a   few   beats.   "  just   a   tad.  "   he   noted,   looking   at   the   arms   for   a   few   seconds.


            jason chuckled softly , slowly wrapping his arms around him .   he took a closer look , grinning .   " i like it . "   he paused .   " though the jacket is a little big now that i think about it . "   he teased .


@-hoodsreborn  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀"  okay   that   is   not   the   compliment   you   think   it   is.  "   he   laughed,   looking   down   at   the   jacket.   it   was   a   tad   large   in   the   arm   areas   especially.   "  you   don't   like   it?  "