Me after I learn what "queue" means in French: "AYO BUDDY THAT'S A LONG QUEUE"


If my mom knew how often I cut myself, she'd kill me. Then again, I'm always one step ahead of her.


@FERNFANG_  hey bud, do you wanna talk about how do you view things? Like, what's your opinion about everything in general? i'm no psychologist and i'm also not going to pry onto your life, i just got curious. Honestly, seeing things from the perspective of others is something very entertaining and interesting. You might enjoy talking freely about your point of view, and who knows, maybe win a new friend.
            (if this sounds weird i apologise, it isn't my intention. I am very bad with words, and also a not very bright person, and so, if this is inconvenient, i'd ask for you to either help me understand what did i do that weirded you out so it won't happen in the future, ignore this message completely, delete it or i dunno, what you think it's a good idea i guess.)


"Stop leaving me out of your relationship and treating me like a third wheel" but you are? You're not dating me, and you're not dating my girlfriend. Yes, all three of us are friends. But, no, you are not a part of our relationship. This meaning, that when we all hang out, you are the third wheel.


HOT TAKE [feel free to share your opinions!]: I don't like polyamory. I've had a lot of bad experience with it in the past, and it's basically just consensual cheating. That, and, sometimes people don't even TELL their partners if they are dating someone else. What I really can't stand, though, is people with more than three lovers. How- like, how can you just be okay with dating that many people? I know someone with around eight lovers, and I do not like associating with them because of this.


@FERNFANG_ well than thats not actually polyamory i believe


@FERNFANG_ I agree. I respect people but I really don't get where people are going with this type of stuff. Obviously this doesn't count for everyone, but a lot of the time on social media u see people promoting to do this but u can tell its usually for sexual needs-- its 'fun'. But for the other normal poly relationships (that are genuine- not solely for sexual needs etc), I still agree with you on the cheating thing. A lot of people can't stay comminitted to one person so they see being with multiple people as a better option . A lot of the time there's usually no feelings involved for some of the individuals in the relationship which really shows that consensual cheating aspect (e.g 2 straight guys and a girl). So I truly don't get this logic ykkk


@WeirdAs__BiTrash Not exactly. That may be the case some of the time, but my girlfriend had another boyfriend for a short time while we were dating. I never talked to him, and I had no feelings for him whatsoever.


Relapsed really bad and I feel like y'all are the only people I can talk to about it so-- here goes nothing haha


@FERNFANG_ i made it three months and about a week and a half ago i relapsed, but just like one little one, yesterday it got bad