
I have a present for @BFerg122 and all you out there. i’m taking just a day break from writing victorious, the episode. Tori the zombie is 80% complete. 
          	But let’s say a certain martial artist is returning to America back to Seattle. And we’ve got a couple to get back together.


I have a present for @BFerg122 and all you out there. i’m taking just a day break from writing victorious, the episode. Tori the zombie is 80% complete. 
          But let’s say a certain martial artist is returning to America back to Seattle. And we’ve got a couple to get back together.


@FGF619 After you and @BFerg122's VicTORIous (Tori Vega x Male OC) book, any chance Sam & Cat and iCarly are next?
          P.S. Any other Nickelodeon sitcoms on your planned book list?
          Also, have u watched the "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" documentary? If u have, how was it?


To answer the first one, I would be glad to write my own on Sam and Cat that isn’t an idea taken from BFerg. As for iCarly, I have an idea that I want to do with them, which is to do episodes that they didn’t do for theirs put it on mine, but I’ve been given full approval to do the iCarly reboot and this is due to the fact that they haven’t watched the new reboot and I have
            They will have to answer, but if they need any help, I’ll be glad to do the same 
            And as for the onset, yes, and it made me extremely depressed. It goes more in-depth that isn’t just about Dan Schneider, but just the toxic environments of Nickelodeon in general. But it made me so sad because a lot of these people made our childhood from the writers who were verbally abused, to the actors who were abused all around and it hurts to know that a lot of their childhood were destroyed just so we could have our.


For victorious, I have a few ideas for some upcoming chapters.
          For the “WiFi in the Sky” chapter, when Tori needs to write a script with Andre, Seth, Beck and Cat, I was thinking the readers get introduced to Rosie, Seth’s cute three-year old sister, and how even though the girls at head-over-heels in love with her, causes problems for Seth.
          And for “The Great Sikowitz Sleepover,” Seth has to play someone tough, like a boxer or biker or something, but has a hilarious phobia.


@FGF619 perfect. I love it.


I was thinking that there could be a rumor that Seth really loves listening to baby music, and it was because one time he was supposedly caught listening to it because his mom asked him to listen to baby music for his little sister when she was younger.


@FGF619 Sweet. I also almost forgot. For the plane one, Seth’s username online is “Seth-a-Sketch” since he’s an artist and it sounds like “Etch-a-Sketch.” And in “Robbarazzi,” you should free style on something embarrassing for Seth to be on that chapter.


Have you ever thought about writing a icarly story carly shay can be the love interest


@BFerg122 I’ll save you the trouble, I watched the entire series and it ended on a cliffhanger due to the controversy behind Dan Schneider, which means it ended very badly and it’s not going to be renewed.
            The show is fairly decent. It has a lot of funny moments, but it’s very clear that the aim is to appeal to the previous audience that are now adults. The humor is very teenage like it was back in the day and preteen, they tried to add some adult humor to it, which doesn’t work. Returning characters, only make an appearance like once or twice. Also, iCarly has been reduced to being just Instagram-esque live videos and YouTube/Instagram short reels.
            The final verdict would be. It’s fairly decent and it has its moments. Just don’t go expecting a lot.


@FGF619 I’m OK with it. I’ve just never seen the iCarly reboot, so I’m leaving Tommy’s return entirely in your hands


But right now, I am currently on a roll with this victorious stuff thanks to their help