; cb w/ a mood for sum !

.. nine, ten! ready or not, here i come! oh man, now, wheeere's georgie?

@sugarpiIIs , * gentle giggles of pure adrenaline escape the child as he remains hidden behind the grey couch of the living room . he's trying to stay quiet ! he really is . but he's excited && this is so fun , he's unable to acomplish his desired lack of volume , subtly moving to stand && peek over the top of the couch *

“G-G-Georgie, why are you s-s-so muh-mad at me...? What did I do?”

@ofdenbroughs ╱ IM SO LATE SORRY WOW I the boy merely pauses at his words , thin brows raising a bit as he listens . he's taking a moment to think the offer over , an eventual nod coming as response . " jus' us . . ? will they be sad ? 'cause── um , they can come too if they wan' . . " comes the soft reply , a gentle shrug following as his gaze averts to the floor .

@FIBDEATH Bill gave a silent wince at the smaller boy’s words, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He really was guilty of that and he knew it, but it hurt to hear because he made a promise to himself after Georgie was found to try and be a better brother and it just felt like he /still/ wasn’t being good enough. “I’m s-s-sorry, bud... I-I know I h-ha-haven’t been the b-best at hanging out with you luh-lately.” Kneeling down in front of the other to become more level with him, he offered a slight smile as an idea came to his mind. “H-H-How about we have an ‘us day’? J-Just us hanging out, and I s-suh-/swear/ it would b-be just us. No Eddie, no M-Mike, no S-Stan — us.”

@ofdenbroughs , " you don' hang out with me no more ! you like your other friends more 'n 's okay , but i wan' be your friend too ! "

georgie ! i got you something . close your eyes !!

do you w - wanna go to the park ?

hey kid ! what town is this ?

georgie , wanna help me down at the farm today ? if we finish , we can have some ice cream afterwards .

perfect ! i just need some help feeding the animals , think you can help with that ?

(MAYLEE BABEY IT’S BEEN SO LOOONGGGG HOW ARE U :(( I MISSED U SM) “G-Guh-Georgie, hey bud. You wanna h-help me m-muh-make the cookies, or are you buh-busy?” (I had two ideas but this was softest)

@FIBDEATH (I MISSED U SM MORE THO <33 :(( ) “Thanks,” responded the elder with a soft smile, taking a few steps across the room to rinse his hands off in the sink. After doing so, he dried his hands off and grabbed a small step stool they had, moving it over to the oven. “B-Be /careful/, but can you s-set it to thuh-three-f-fifty?” (he a strong boi c: )

@ofdenbroughs , ╱ I'M GLAD UR DOIN GOOD<33 I MISSED U SM THO ): he's giving a nod , heading to said drawers before managing to open it & fish out the sheet pan , heading to the other with a grin as he placed it down . " there ! " ╱ he'll manage ((":

@FIBDEATH (I’M SO GOOD NOW THAT IM TALKING TO U AGAIN <33 BUT I’VE BEEN GREAT LATELY c: ) With his foot as he cracked a couple eggs into the bowl, he vaguely gestured to one of the drawers. “Can you get the sh-sh-sheet p-pan, please?” (I prolly shoulda done the other one, I forgot the babey has one arm :(( )

@QUICKWlT , ╱ you're fine ! this reply is hella late too ((": hm . . fine , but you're real lucky , 'cause i almost said no !