// I need to work on this book so bad but 


// I'll make a group book when I have time but to explain the idea of this group : an organization made a fightclub to train people and make them stronger , make them loyal and eventually turn them into theirs . so they can one day rule over their city . the owners are part of this organization . 
          a few characters that can already be made - if you want to know the personality , dm me ! :
          - her brother who joined the fightclub when he was 21 for a way to let go of his anger at the world . ( no faceclaim yet ) 
          - one of the owners of the fightclub who she'll eventually start hooking up with / dating .  ( played by theo ames or bob morley )
          - her best friend and the bartender of the fightclub . ( played by eiza gonzalez or lizzie gilles ) 


** omg I love this ! can I possibly have an owner she can start dating ??? 