Hey look who finally finished Part 3! (Yippee!) I'm SOOOOO happy that I finished Part 3 and I'm super-duper excited to write Part 4!!  So watch out for new stuff like Log Date and Part 4 of The Lullaby!! Catch you all later! <33 Bye-bye ;]


Hey look who finally finished Part 3! (Yippee!) I'm SOOOOO happy that I finished Part 3 and I'm super-duper excited to write Part 4!!  So watch out for new stuff like Log Date and Part 4 of The Lullaby!! Catch you all later! <33 Bye-bye ;]


Hey guys!  Sorry for not posting or saying anything for a while.  I did have a writing block for a couple of weeks :[ and I haven't finished Part 3 yet (Sorry!)  But now I'm working on a new novel called "Log Date"!  But don't worry I'll try to finish The Lullaby :] I'm quite busy and I can get lazy sometimes (lol) but I'll try to keep posting parts and such!  Sorry for the message just a quick catch-up! Hope you all are well. Bye!


Yuppers you are! <3


@FNAFLord1 hehe im helping with Log Date :D