
Carol is gone. Its me Brianna now. Sorry guys that my friend left.


Guess whos back to stay.... THIS GURL!!! Carol is in da house!!! YAY!!! IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry senpai has not been on in about forever... Ahhhh winter brake finally time to squize updates in, so whos ready for the updates to come flowing in??? Anyone because I am!!!!!  Le-go!


Okay so I updated some books... Now I'm gonna sign off.... BYE HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN SOME DAY!!!! 0.0" ;3


Commercial time!
            Justin: I'm sorry Amy but a loners gotta be alone!
            ~THE END pops up from no where~
            *Justin falls off horse*
            Lady: Justin???


To: Followers
          Dear All Followers,
          The hacker has been stopped, and I'm glad. My friend has been a great friend to me since we've gone to church. I'm so happy that the hacker has stopped. I'm not going to say who it is because the person stopped. But my friend was latterly all jacked up and crying and just depressed. She literally wouldn't eat anything and was just sleeping all the time. So thank you for stopping and taking down what you called her. I can't wait to call my friend tomorrow and tell her the good news. 
          I know sometimes we get mad at other people and are friends. But that doesn't make it right too bully them and call them terrible names. Or say LIES or start RUMORS. Because we can end up hurting ourselves just as much, as we did the the other people. So if you ever need anyone to talk too, PM me! 