@FOREVERxAxMONSTER K, some of these are spiritual/religious but most are general enough, I came up with these recently. :D
1. Write about a character that is always putting others before him/herself and never asks for anything in return. Why does this character do this? How does this make him/her as well as any other characters in the story feel? Explain.
2. Write about a character who never worries about him/herself, deciding to worry about and take care of others, knowing that he/she will be blessed for it. Perhaps other's around this character do not understand this behavior and bring it up with your character. How does he/she react? Explain their conversations.
3. Write about a character, or a group of characters, that emulate the love of Christ. Whether they do this knowingly or are just good people is up to you. How do others react to the character(s)? Explain.
4. Write about someone who is at peace despite being in utter chaos. What is the cause of this behavior? How do other's around this character react? Are they calmed by this character's calm demeanor or does it freak them out even more? You decide.
5. Write about a character who is grateful for his/her trials (possibly the story's conflict) why is this? Are they justified in this? Elaborate on his/her feelings at this time.
6. Think of someone that, if it were necessary, you would die for. Why do you feel that way? Write a story with characters that have a similar relationship as you and this person. Articulate your emotions through the story, make it your own.
7. Write a story about a character receiving an opportunity he/she feels unworthy of. Does he/she take it? Why or why not? Why does this character feel unworthy? Are they right or wrong? You decide.
8. Write about someone accomplishing something seemingly impossible because he/she had faith/believed in him/herself. How does he/she succeed? What is accomplished? Does he/she have help along the way? Explain.