Anyway , I been off for a few days but bare wit me & I’ll eventually get to everyone in my messages 


I may or may not add more bios but for the time being, ima start focusing on replies and messaging everyone who I had a roleplay wit b4 . 


Ik I lag like crazy but this whole quarantine shi has given me a whole lotta free time , so if we’ve had a roleplay in the past and you want to get back to it jus lmk, finna be switchin the bios up too 


yes please! also i hope you’re doing okay, glad you’re back!


Jus a quick psa: I am not regularly active on here , I be on nd off , so that being said , I might respond within a few hours or i might not be on for weeks - months. please don’t start a roleplay wimme if that’s an issue, nd ima start being honest asf if you (1) piss me off (2) i do not like the roleplay / it’s boring. please don’t take no offense if i do say something to you. Alri that’s all lol ima head out 


Mann , the Bronx is brazy . People are fuckin brazy .  I don’t understand how you can stab and kill a 15 year old for sum he didn’t even do . So many things wrong with this whole thing , rip junior & if any of ya’ll live in the Bronx stay safe .