To those who have been enjoying my book, ME. I have just released a chapter called The Heart and Brain. This chapter I am very proud of myself and would like it if you guys could check it out.
To those who have been enjoying my book, ME. I have just released a chapter called The Heart and Brain. This chapter I am very proud of myself and would like it if you guys could check it out.
You are too concerned with what was and what will be.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
That is why it is called the present.
- Master Oogway
"Each new day is a blessing let go of all worries and be grateful for the positive in your life. It's during the storm you learn who you really are."
- Olaf
Chapter One has finally been posted YAY. So make sure you check it out. While your checking it out make sure you drop a vote or comment, don't be a ghost. ♡♡♡
@RikuYuanzaki (: I just started to put thing on my profile. At first all I would do was read and not vote or liked anything. I was like a ghost lol So it makes sense why I only have a little.