Hi... So my parents put this thing on my phone that only allows me to access it from 5 to 7. This limits my updates, no matter how infrequent. I'll work harder on my school Chromebook, pinkie promise. Love you guys a ton for putting up with me.  
          	Just an FYI thing, I'm working on a book about the zodiacs. I might publish it, but it's pretty stupid so.... Yeah.


Hi... So my parents put this thing on my phone that only allows me to access it from 5 to 7. This limits my updates, no matter how infrequent. I'll work harder on my school Chromebook, pinkie promise. Love you guys a ton for putting up with me.  
          Just an FYI thing, I'm working on a book about the zodiacs. I might publish it, but it's pretty stupid so.... Yeah.


Herro! Again, I usually don't do this but hey, what the heck. One of my friends, a_fangirl_mess is doing a Halloween contest! If you want to try it, just copy and paste her name into the search bar thingy and find the book that says Halloween contest. Good luck if you want to try it!