
Hey, just wanted to say that I‘ve already read your story multiple times  (My instincts never fail) and that I keep coming back to it because it‘s the best story about FayeYoko on here. I hope you‘ll write more stories about them in the future. ☺️


@Whatsuprizzoli You're right! I might focus on the happier moments and keep the others in my drafts in case I ever want to release that. I'm glad I can provide an escape if only for a moment, and I hope our good vibes will lead to better events in the future. Thanks for the ideas btw, I haven't written anything yet but I'll definitely try to get cracking soon :) 


Mhm…maybe you could focus on those happier events first that brought joy to the fandom. I know that in between we had Yoko’s TikTok lives causing drama and some obvious (airport) sulking but that was fine compared to the current mess… Just like you said, delulu might be the way to go for now. Honestly, your story is my favourite escape from this shitshow the Wanwitch has stirred up and I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling that way. So my advice? Keep the ultimate crash and burn in mind for another story. 


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@Whatsuprizzoli Hello, my friend! I've been having a pretty shit day too ever since seeing P'Faye cry I just want them to be free and happy after doing so much for us. 
            I actually had many interpretations and ideas for continuing the storyline in a similar direction to what's happening, but I won't lie, it might be hard to read considering everything that's going on. On the one hand, I think we could build our own delulu ending to this cruel reality, but on the other, I'm worried it won't provide a window of escape from all this negativity. Idrk where to go exactly, but  I really really appreciate your feedback, and I do hope you keep it coming whenever you feel like it! It all just depends on how angsty the story goes, and how the current events roll forward. Out of curiosity, if I were to write a story about their separation as on-screen partners, would you prefer it to be in this story, or a separate one?