
Sorry, I deleted my stories. Haha, I'm planning on restarting everything! I've been busy with school and drama, so please support me!!! Thanks. :D


I feel really uncomfortable in this situation. You act like I'm not even there, but you should know I am... It's getting annoying, saying how much you love him. If you do so much, try harder! I don't see you trying at all, I see you just looking at him when he's the one to talk to you first. I can't help you, no one can... Except for yourself, you have to be brave . If you keep this going you won't ever have a chance, we hold each other's feelings but nothing changed between us. We were still happy friends, and even if we are dating I play it out normally, like we are still good friends. I don't avoid him, but you do that. You should try talking to him if you want him to notice how beautiful you are. Don't just support, support and trust yourself you can make him realize. If you want to be closer, talk! Don't just ignore him, it would be awkward. Keep your cool and just go along. (Not hating)


You act like that ONE person understands you but everyone understands how you feel, you shouldn't feel like your alone. It's also how you just keep ur secrets all to "that person" and think no one cares about your feelings. You also think I don't care about your feelings? Please stop with the supporting, I get it, your hurt and pained. Sorry.. But it's not my fault . I wasn't expecting that, and if your pained don't support the two that like each other. Step up your game and support yourself to make he/she notice how amazing you are. If it doesn't happen, you guys will at least be friends right?  You never know, he/she might have feelings later on and see how you feel.  (To those who like a special "someone")