
Is anyone on here familiar with Mystery Science Theater 3000? It may or may not be my newest obsession


I'm watching Cats for the first time (recorded stage version) and have concluded with my friends that Cats was just a fever dream Race had at some point.


@PineapplesAndPapes  Thank you! I was bored/procrastinating one day so I typed all their names in Word and screenshot-ed it!


@FabulousDalek Also I love your backdrop. That is absolutely wonderful!


@FabulousDalek Lol. Probably. I haven't seen it yet. I sort of have an idea of what it's about though and yes, I agree with your statement from what I have seen.


Hello everyone! I just wanted to get on here to prove that I'm not dead... yet. Basically, junior year is really hard, so I've been having a hard time finding time to relax and do fun stuff (even though I need to for the sake of my sanity) so I've been slacking in my writing and reading. I still appreciate all of you, and fully intend to continue writing. I just have to survive lesson plans and the sheer, utter stupidity that is the United States education system. Oh, and I also have a research project, and am moving to my own personal Santa Fe (Santa Fe being a metaphor here). BUT, a playhouse near where I'm moving is doing Newsies this summer, and another one in the county I'll be living in is doing Fiddler on the Roof this fall!!! I'm going to run out of money apparently, but it will be worth it!


Me: *explaining Uruk-hai to a friend*
          Friend: so Orc-lins!
          Me: *imagines Uruk-hai in Brooklyn, 1899*
          They confused Spot Conlon with a hobbit and are there to take him to Saruman. 


 Oh dear... I'll have to think about that... Tolkien might rise from his grave and murder me...  but I also think Spot could escape Saruman just through the sheer power of Brooklyn 


For one of my education classes, I have to write a "Literacy Autobiography" in which I talk about my journey as a writer. So I'm writing about my Newsies fanfics for school. 
          Now here's to hoping my teacher won't decide to google it.


My friends and I were just telling a story, none of them have seen Newsies, but we still wound up in 1899 and had to name some Brooklyn newsies. The results? Bucko, Biff, and Cornelius. Cornelius is a new Australian immigrant who doesn't quite fit in with the others, and throws mint at appropriate times. They take Javert as their leader in Spot's absence (he's possessed by some evil oil... the only context I can give is we are sleep deprived college students). Later they replace Javert with another friend of ours, then with Loki. I now really really need a context in which to incorporate Bucko, Biff, and Cornelius into a story, so feel free to drop ideas!


@FabulousDalek Wow. I need to sleep on this one. That's a really interesting idea though.


Update: We aren't entirely sure if Cornelius is Australian or English.


Syllabus for a history class: Learn that multiple drafts/revisions are needed for any work no matter how small  
          Me: *laughs in unpublished fanfic and novel drafting* 
          (Here's to hoping I can research something gilded age or progressive era!)


Hey! I am going to being writing a book about Selah, who's supposed to be like me, and I am going to make it sort of like a companion/side story thing to Jules' books about Kerri. So, Kerri will be in them, would you like Victoria to be included in my books as well and if so, did you fill out the form on Jules' character book cuz I'll just look there for info about Victoria.


Ok; that sounds good. You can send them anytime, and I'll get to them when I get the chance


@FabulousDalek I'll just PM you some questions. I think that will be easier. :) That's what I'm doing for EJ.


That'd be great! I'm not sure where this form is though, do you think you could do a link? I'll get to it soon, but I'm in a wedding today so I'm kinda busy