Been on a posting rampage, I haven't written anything in a while just getting what I have written already out so I can get some ideas, suggestions and comments from you guys and girls, the readers. Anyway, if you see one you are interested in tell me what you think.
And also, for those of you who have read A Story of a Baysley, I'm thinking of making a side story for the events that were mentioned in the main book. It's going to be based maybe 10-12 Adelfinian cycles (40 - 48 human years) in the past. It will not involve Earth at all in fact, it will be based on the events leading up to the Purebred rebellion. And maybe if you have a favorite Adelfinian character he or she just might show up in it. If you haven't read A Story of a Baysley, you should do so before I start that side story, otherwise some things might not make any sense. Anyway, thoughts on that as well?