
there are so many worss we could make acronyms out of, for example;
          	saga - series about global assholes


Heyyaa fellow witch/wizard!!!!!
          Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, if i am then feel free to ignore me n delete this
          I'm here just to help my friend melifluousgelatoo get more support, here's some facts about the book =
          ° it's titled 'Raeliana Adfrenssa' 
          ° genre : fantasy
          ° ongoing
          ° it's not a fanfic (so u can read it w out being in any kind of fandom)
          ° it's clean of any smuts whatsoever
          ° contain many kind of plot twists which is rly unpredictable
          ° read it n you'll like it, I promise ✧
          ° story's link → https://my.w.tt/7rOrwI92Hcb
          I personally think it's a good book despite being her first one, so maybe u can read, vote or maybe comment or follow her? 
          thank you in advance n have a nice day, if not? then go avada kedavra those problems awayy or let's grab some fire whiskey 
          stay safe, a l w a y s ❤️


is anyone else having trouble accessing the comments or is it just me?


yeah, i think something's wrong with the site tho. i've been getting error messages for about 30 minutes to an hour now


this message may be offensive
so apparently there's a pedo dude who created a wattpad account, i learned this from @drarry-tomarryfan14. and apparently this person, @urppsmall has created a pedo book or whatever to help. go check out @drarry-tomarryfan14 for more info on this cuz i'm too tired to say and also i currently feel like shit so-
          point is, stay safe. the accounts (apparently there's two) of this dude are CharliTheTikTokGirl and JasonVines38. careful who you talk to as of late and tell as many people as possible


oof. we need to get this guy off wattpad quick before he can do too much


this message may be offensive
@Faded_Dragon873 I've heard of this before i joined Wattpad. This shit happened on Tik Tok, Tapas and some others i'm too tired to remember. I only remember the Tik Tok one because i have the app and for Tapas i only knew about that because i originally came from Tapas and transferred to Wattpad. 