
Starting to post new chapters of "Mental"!
          	For now I will be updating every Monday. I also have a contest going on devintart if anyone is interested!



I am hosting a contest on DeviantArt that ties in with two stories I am currently working on. When the contest is done, I will start posting chapters of both of the stories here and they will feature all of the entries. 
          Prizes include: dA points, art from me, and full access to ALL the chapters to the stories I am working on now.
          If you are interested in the contest, here's the link:
          If you want to read the current chapters now, you can become my patron (tier 2 or higher) and you can read the chapters as I work on them.


My short story comic is now up to read!
          So far 3 out of 5 chapters have been comic-fied :D
          read it here:
          If you enjoy it, please subscribe, fav, or comment!
          It's for a contest so doing those things will help me out a ton :D


@sjhshdjsjsj11 awww thanks so much :D
            I love designing characters ^.^


Yo I always love your character designs, looks great! :)


Crazily working on a short story comic <.>
          As each chapter is posted, I'll be posting the original written story here :D
          It's a fantasy adventure story and I'm super excited about it ^.^
          If you follow me on deviantart (@FaerieWarrior), you already know about this :3
          If you want to read the entire thing right now, become my patron for as low as $1 a month to gain access to:
          -the entire short story
          -sneak peeks of art/comic pages (all of them)


And once again I am trapped in college. This semester I am taking seven (7) courses. I'm already exhausted and it's only day two. I'll try to find time to write since I was able to work on "Power Legacy" a lot this summer. I'm really hoping to finish it soon!


@FaerieWarrior87 wow sorry it took so long u.u 
            it is fun talking isn't it ^^ well i have just made more time 
            to write again i kinda have done too much work lately i have drawn some doodles but nothing i really could put my spirit in :c so i have made the choice 
            to make more time even if it means less social stuff :/ not sure if that won't bite my but later tho


@neosword7 free time is nonexistent <.> sadness.
            and its fun talking to you as well :D


@FaerieWarrior87 i had a few setbacks to i had to work a lot 
            and my writings time suffered because of iti probably took to much on my fork
            lol it is however fun talking to ya ^^ and seeing the similarity lol even after school it won't be easy hahaha hope you'll be doing good girl


<cries> I've been so busy with work and summer classes that I haven't had any time to do anything! ;~; So there will probably be no updates for awhile, I'm sorry!
          I'm so tired, both mentally and socially.


@JimmySlattery we can cry together. <continues to cry>


@FaerieWarrior87 UGH Tell me about it, I'm in the same boat for real