
@purplest905  OMG IM SO SORRY I DIDNT GET TO MESSAGE YOU A FEW HOURS AGO!!! I'm so very sorry, and sure I'll be friends with you:D and I'm also twelve~ what a small world huh.~ 


Hey it's your friend Destiny i just wanna say some nice things to you for fun!!! Your awsome, nice,poky lover,meat lover and a very nice friend even though I've seen your flaws hope we will always be good
          Friends. I know if I was ever being bullied you would stick up for me because we are good friends. 
                Love you BFF


@FairyPiece2002  Oi! This is your best friend. the one you've known for 9 years. The one who gets terrified when you say "don't blink". The one who loves the Nordic Five. I'm gonna ramble a few more things so you know it's me. Our favorite Line from Nyo!Talia is " I'm the Heroine! Don't do drugs kids!" You almost fell off a cliff in front of me on the field trip. You laughed way too hard when you almost broke my 3ds. you gave me the One Piece Romance Dawn game for X-mas. You yelled at me this morning for leaving you alone yesterday. Does this prove it? because if it doesn't I seriously don't know what will. But, Oi. Follow meeeee! I finally got my Wattpad to work again. I followed you. follow me. Plz? bcuz you know it's me.... and it's freaking 1 AM....... UHM.........