
So I was locked out of my account for quite some time and just now figured out how to get back into it. Wondering if I should try to update my stories after 6 years of radio silence 


@FairyTailLover465 if it means anything, I think you should 


I was gonna upload some new chapters in my existing books, but I'm too distracted by some unresolved sadness. I've chosen to write them down in a book. 
          It's called Dark Secrets and you don't have to vote for it, you don't even have to read it. If you chose to read it, please comment anything helps whether it be advise or just something nice. Thank you...


I've read most of your  RoLu books. I'm so happy you voted for my FT fanfiction thank you!!!!


Thank you!  


@_Raheema it means a lot to me that you opted into my little contest and I genuinely enjoyed reading what you've written and I can't wait to read more. 


Okay so I know that I've been pretty checked out lately when it comes to updates and I'll try to get back into updating at least every week. Tonight I'm gonna binge read some more of you guys' stories for my contest that is at the end of the first Shadowed Heart book I wrote. Again if you wanna enter you can inbox me the name of your book or put it in the comments of that chapter in one of my books. Also, I've had so many complaints about books that I wasn't feeling and have decided to stop writing and I appreciate the support so I want to have a vote over whether I should finish them or give them away for a different writer to finish. So in the comments of this post let me know 
          -finish them
          -give them away