I only use what I know and so far, Natsu has only used one attack XD I feel like I know next to nothing. buuut I have made progress on the current chapter its almost done I just need to write a ton of magic and fight scenes. #prayformeimgoingtopullmyhairout
I feel like Kolby is a little toooooooooooo complicated to put into a world that is VERY SIMPLE. it's like having a person from our time go back into the stone age just to teach all the cave men what fire is. if that makes any sense at all .
@Echolessvoid I'm in the process of editing somethings, so a few things may be different for instance Kolby's age is now unknown. I did that for a reason because it's hard to really pinpoint age when you're working with celestial beings. not to mention dragons and creatures