
So how’s everyone’s quarantine going? Man, I just can’t wait to be king!  I mean, I just can’t wait for school to start again. How about y’all?


@FairyTail_Addiction  meh. all the people at my school are just annoying lol


So not many know, but today is the day my favorite teacher passed away.
          (That rhymed!)
          I’ve been doing my best with Crooked and trying to shoot chapters out as quick as I can. Feel free to tell me parts don’t make sense, I’ve made spelling and grammar errors, etc.
          Anyhoo, I hope you guys have a great day and I thought you should know why I said what I did exactly a year ago.


I apologize sincerely for the looooooong break from writing but I’ll make sure to get back on top of updating!! The saying “When it rains, it pours,” is no exception to this poor year I’ve been lugging through, but I have a few announcements that I want to get off of my chest:
          1. Crooked will be my main priority for the time being
          2. A Golden Chance will be going under editing as soon as I find time for the process! I found that the earlier chapters don’t match writing style with the later ones and it bugs me that I wasn’t consistent; therefore, I’ll do my best to correct mistakes but the story will remain the same. The words may change but the overall plot will not!
          Thank you for reading this, if you did, and I hope you have an amazing day!! 


I um... I won’t be on much for a few days; I’m going through a bit of a rough patch and I won’t be in the right state of mind to write or do much honestly.
          I just wanted to give a heads up if I suddenly drop from the earth.
          Please understand.. thank you.


@FairyTail_Addiction hopefully it all resloves in a good manner and please please know that you are precious.....


Last chapter of A Golden Chance is out! Feel free to criticize and break my lil heart! I’m going through quite a bit at the moment and that has stunted my updating; I apologize severely for the delay.
          Thank you for sticking with me through the cringy writing I published! ❤️


So I dunno if anyone’s aware but earlier this month I published the first chapter to my Jin x Reader, Crooked. If anyone is interested, please give it a look; there’s only one chapter so far and feel free to criticize me mercilessly, breaking down every ounce of self-confidence I have in my body!
          I’m sorry for the SUPER SLOW updating on RM’s story but I’ve been going through feelings and I’ve been emotionally all over the place; I refuse to write a happy ending while being depressed!
           Again, I’m so sorry, but you can read a romance about Jin while waiting for RM!


@FairyTail_Addiction honestly sweetheart (hopefully I'm not offending you) take your time and hope you feel better soon and I love you so much for sharing your book's with us...


Hello ^^
          I followed you, would you mind following me back? ><
          I recently wrote a Jimin ff called smol hands and I would really appreciate it if you could check it out >~<
          My goal is to get to 4K reads
          I started a BTS V ff yesterday lmao. Please do check it out if you have time :) 
          Votes and comments are much loved >. <
          Strong power thank you ❤