School is finally over!!!!
I will write something every day but depending on how good it is, I might or might not post it.
I have two accounts and over 8 books that I have ideas for. I have a couple books published and 2 on hold. The rest of my ideas are only drafts because I don't want to be in the middle of writing that much books. I made that mistake on this account.
So once I finish this book, or am close to finishing it, I will publish another book of mine. It will be close to finished but I will only update one chapter a day, two at most. This strategy will give me a lot of time to finish my other books.
Also, in July, I will be going to Poland with my sister and dance group for a big week long competition. I will update when I can. But I am staying in Poland the rest of summer (excluding about a week before school starts- because I have to be back and take my permit test)
Once school starts, my updating will be much less frequent.