So I have a bit of a dilemma when it comes to 2 of the fanfic stories that I'm working on. Both of the stories are set in the Teen Wolf universe (MTV Teen Wolf not the other one in case anyone needs clarification) one of the stories will be more cannon and will be set post Teen Wolf the movie (Prologue is set 2 months after the events of Teen Wolf the movie while the rest of the story is set 20 years after Teen Wolf the movie. Yes Scott and Stiles will have kids. No those kids will not be the main focus of the story until much later on in the story. Yes there will be tension between Stiles and Lydia and that is all that I will reveal about this story for now). The other story that I'm writing is a Stiles Stilinski younger sister fanfic what I can't decide at the moment is if I should have the story start when she's in 8th grade or have the story start when she's in 9th grade. I have a few plot ideas surrounding her character for seasons 1 and 2 but if I do that then that requires her finding out Scott's a werewolf during season 2 instead of season 3 (which was initially my original intention to have her get kidnapped by the Darach during her freshman year and then after managing to somehow escape she finds out the truth during the Motel California episode). The other thing that I can't decide is which name to use for which character. I don't know if I want the sister's name to be Cassieopia Grace Stilinski (nicknames: Cassie, Cass, Gracie-but only family gets to call her that-) or Lily Grace Stilinski. I would appreciate feedback as I start to write/rewrite these 2 Teen Wolf fanfics.