Tagged by: BlackStarRoyalty
1. Do you like someone?
2. Do they like you back?
I don't know..
3. Single or taken?
I'm a single pringle *throws confetti*
4. Last person you texted?
5. Last song you listened to?
Oh gosh... I don't even remember
*checks playlist*
Young blood ~ Bea Miller
6. Mobile percentage?
7. Closest female friend?
@BlackStarRoyalty and @The_uncrowned_king
8. Closest male friend?
I don't really have male friends... But I think my brother
9. OTP?
Ehm.. I have a lot of OTP's you know.. But I will name a few:
Haleb, Hermione and Ron, Zac and Venessa, my best friend and her boyfriend, a lot of fictional characters and I, yeah I think that's it
Tagging: @BlackStarRoyalty @The_uncrowned_king