Hello everyone,I am faith and I love reading
  • everywhere
  • Üye olduMarch 17, 2017

Son Mesaj
FaithChinsee FaithChinsee Dec 09, 2017 06:43PM
Hi,my fans,how is everyone,I am trying to upgrade me books,I am really busy,but I hope u guys still hold on,well...have a good holiday
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TroubleMaker15 tarafından yazılmış hikayeler
FaithChinsee tarafından yazılan The Run adlı hikaye
The Run
Lucy Grayson has a perfect life,her best freind, parents,straight A,one day everthing come down and life beco...
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FaithChinsee tarafından yazılan So Called Happy Ever After adlı hikaye
So Called Happy Ever After
Marie Clair was a 17 normal girl on the outside and crazy in the inside,she thought if she let the crazy out...
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FaithChinsee tarafından yazılan The Broken and the Fixed adlı hikaye
The Broken and the Fixed
Hope Anderson is different from the crowd.she shy.she wears a hoodie,no one has ever seen her face But that w...
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