
i never truly felt real till i found you
          	i never truly felt anger till i watched you with him
          	i never truly felt pain till you said goodbye
          	i never truly felt happiness till you said hello 
          	i never truly felt warmth till i saw your smile
          	i never truly felt love till your lips touched mine 
          	and ill truly never forget you


i never truly felt real till i found you
          i never truly felt anger till i watched you with him
          i never truly felt pain till you said goodbye
          i never truly felt happiness till you said hello 
          i never truly felt warmth till i saw your smile
          i never truly felt love till your lips touched mine 
          and ill truly never forget you


When I look at you I feel empty
          Like I could never be yours
          Who could?
          God has never made a more perfect being
          So I close my eyes and image us
          But there you are with another
          Never me
          so I live and my quietness
          And question every move
          In hope that one day you’ll stop looking
          And start seeing me
          By Faith Pennington