Hey everyone. So, update, I know that I disappeared for two weeks, and this is to explain why. There has been a LOT going on at home.
I won't get too into it, but there's been some intense drama going on within my immediate family, which has cooled down now, but it drained the life out of me for a while. And then a few days ago one of our family's dogs died. She was a very old girl, but unfortunately, she didn't die from age, but from a dog fight. It was very intense, and it took a toll on me, and the rest of my family, for a few days.
I've also been struggling mentally with my self-image. I'm currently working to lose weight, mainly because I'd like to be physically strong, and I'd like to be able to keep up with my much more athletic family. There is also a history of heart problems on both sides of my family, and I'm technically obese, so it's just better for my health in the long run too. Anyway, my point is, that whenever I start losing weight at any time, my self-image gets shattered and it sucks. I stop seeing myself as pretty as I do when I'm not dieting/working out because I keep expecting to see results that take a lot of time to actually show. I am slowly but surly going down to a 'healthy' weight (for my height, age, and race), yet I still have a mental battle to go through.
I know this is a lot, and not everyone will necessarily care or really understand, and that's fine, but I guess this is for the few that I know will read this and care. I do appreciate all of my followers and readers. I hadn't opened Wattpad in two weeks and I was overwhelmed by the support, even though I was gone. Thank you all so much.
I don't know when the next update will be, in all honestly. There may be some tomorrow, but again, I really don't know. Maybe next week.
Love you all. Stay safe <3