
Ugh I feel like crap and I only get like an hour a day in my history class to type (since he really doesn't care what we do)and I've been really busy. Sorry about the delay, I feel really bad about that. I'm working on a few chapters at home though, in a notebook, so hopefully I'll get them up soon. But yeah, I might be getting a cold or something my throat and nose feel like crap so just ugh. Toodiloo.


Ugh I feel like crap and I only get like an hour a day in my history class to type (since he really doesn't care what we do)and I've been really busy. Sorry about the delay, I feel really bad about that. I'm working on a few chapters at home though, in a notebook, so hopefully I'll get them up soon. But yeah, I might be getting a cold or something my throat and nose feel like crap so just ugh. Toodiloo.


Okay, the goings a little slow and I'm grounded, but you should be expecting a chapter within February. I haven't been feeling the best, and what with the new semester I have a ton of homework and baby-sitting piling up so I never get any time to myself. Sorry guys, but just hang in there.


WOOT WOOT so happy that I got the first chapter up! I'm already working on the second one, but idk when its going to be published. Sorry for the delay, but I at least kept my promise (for once) I'll be deleting the original Unforgettable by the first week of November, hopefully. Having some internet issues at my house, so wish me luck. Anyways, vote, comment, follow,whatever you want, everything helps ×3×


All right guys, you're stressing me out. More people are reading my story, and I'm going to change a LOT in the new one and now I'm worried of letting people down and such but ugh anyways I can't believe October's almost over. I feel like I just started school and look only seven weeks until the end of the semester. Wow. :]


Okay, really guys?? Once I say that there is a reboot coming the views go up by 40? Not cool. But I'm working on said reboot as much as possible and stupid me didn't do anything on it over my short fall break, so I'll have to keep writing it whenever I get the chance after school. And I really need some inspiration! I mean, who can write a story just from their head, right? Ugh. Wish me luck guys. ×3×