Hey Rebel I hope your doing ok? How you been? Me? Well idk been struggling mentally and emotionally I guess. Life been kinda treating me like crap but ya know it’s life. I’m sorry about the past and called you a fake when I truly know you were never a fake friend at all. We were both upset that time but I did warned you about that dude if you remembered, but the past is in the past ^-^ no matter what I forgives you even if you hurt me I still forgive you. And your right Karma did got me because I suffered so much. If you ever wanna reach contact just text me on this account. It’s a new one since I uhhh forgot my password on the other one ._. Hope to hear from you and I hope you have a Goodnight. FRIENDS SINCE THE 5Th GRADE TILL GRADUATION and I’m kinda glad we were friends for that long. Hope your doing ok too ^-^ See ya and have a goodnight SC/Autumn Out