
Not updating my stories is another reason why I hate school >:(


this message may be offensive
I’ve got a ~Request~;
          Alfred and Bruce are away, Alfred on a holiday for a month and Bruce on a business trip for a month and a bit. 
          Gotham’s only protectors are the batboys, but Bruce thinks they might need to be taken care of as well. 
          He hires a nanny. This lady is a good friend of Alfred that knows there secret night business. She is a British lady that is kind of like Marry Poppins, she doesn’t like to be disrespected so if you do disrespect her she will smack you for good measures. If you are un-gentleman like she with lecture you but even though she is well mannered she can kick ass and be a badass.
          Her fist night at the Manor she has earned there respect but the Manor get infiltrated, so she takes care of it like a nanny should, by kicking ass in under 20 seconds!!
          She is a badass nanny that can give you a good lecture, glare and ass whooping!!
          You can do the rest the way you like but there are NO ships, because I feel like she will save your ass but not fall for it. <3 ;) Thx!!!


This is unacceptable for you to not even mention the author that actually made these. You say ‘I made it all myself’ but that is a complete lie. You need to at least have a link to Ella’s tumblr or something because this is not cool. Stealing stories can get you into big trouble and I hope you do get into trouble.


@-BASIC-BITCH- Thank you so much <3. At least now they're down :-), thanks to you guys !


Ok person, as a person that also writes original story's and published them, DON'T STEAL PEOPLE'S WORK! And the fact that you didn't ask permission from these amazing people? That makes it worse. So don't do it.


@Female-Red-Hood Thanks very much <3. Thanks to you and others  the stories are down, even though last time I check there were still some up from "less known" authors...Ugh. I'm still so mad.


A bunch of authors found out you were stealing their stories and were not happy at all. 1. You didn’t ask for permission to share their stories. 2. You didn’t even credit them. 3. You outright stole them and are taking the credits and praise for the stories that you don’t even own.


@_allyelizabeth_ Thanks very much for taking the time to leave a comment about this issue, other authors and I are super thanksful about it. Really.


@_allyelizabeth_ the explanation is published and you comment has been acknowledged. I may need a list of chapters that is needed to be deleted. Your message has been helpful.


I don't know about the other authors in your batfamily book but Ella DID NOT give permission to post her stories here! IT IS COMMON SENSE TO ASK BEFORE REPOSTING. DON'T TELL ME A KID HAS MORE COMMON SENSE THAN YOU. 


@ShadowSunnySides Thank you very much sweety <3.


@SofterWare Thanks a lot for being one of the reason she took down the stolen stories ! At least mine aren't there anymore, last I check there was still a few "less known" author that got theirs stolen, without even any credit...But yeah. None of us gave consent. So thanks.