
@OurHideOut Don't worry about a thing. Cause every little thing is going to be alright. I love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond! :D And you honestly don't have any clue how excited I am.. It is totally a good thing I am excited! And yay! (: 
          	I know. It's just so comically, and witty, and sassy.  And yay! It's my favorite <3 and I know what you mean. I always say that after I do something weird and my friends are probably still judging me but that's ok. They still stick around because they're weird too.  We have a mutual weirdness.
          	~Alexxx (We do! That would be so cool.. We need to think about this...)


Yeah~ I miss you. 
          I don't know what song that is but the tune came to me cause I saw your name on my bio. Aca-awkward. But yeah, I dunno where you went but I miss you so yah know "Baby come back to me~"
          And such...


@FakeName Bob Marley<3 That man is a genius >:U! I love you to the sun and back and yeah, nothing can really beat infinity ;~; I think I have a broad idea of your excitement. It's overly a good thing that you're excited though cause if you're excited then I get excited cause then you're waiting and I'm waiting for your reaction so I can laugh and be like "Omg I love this chick".
          It truly is (I almost said turtley is right there...) Common favorites! :D The amount of times I say it to my friends and they say it back is innumerable like, seriously. I get judged so quickly but I find witty comebacks that make them feel little ;D Being weird is the way to go!
          -Trinityyy (It would! Okay uhm, Alex... Alexasaurus.... Allyux...Alexacha later~... Yeah .___.)


@OurHideOut Don't worry about a thing. Cause every little thing is going to be alright. I love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond! :D And you honestly don't have any clue how excited I am.. It is totally a good thing I am excited! And yay! (: 
          I know. It's just so comically, and witty, and sassy.  And yay! It's my favorite <3 and I know what you mean. I always say that after I do something weird and my friends are probably still judging me but that's ok. They still stick around because they're weird too.  We have a mutual weirdness.
          ~Alexxx (We do! That would be so cool.. We need to think about this...)


@FakeName Well love is preferable as I don't know what I would do if you hated me :( You're that excited about it? Well I guess that's a good thing... I've actually started on it and I'll probs PM you what it is in a bit xD
          I love that back picture so much, I always smile when I see it. I actually have seen the one with the bird <3 It's blessed because I always say "Don't judge me" to my friends... they still do but regardless.
          -Trinityyyy (We do need nick names! AH!)


@OurHideOut UGH. I don't know whether to love you or hate you.  And trust me, I'm totally felling anticipation, curiosity, and insanity waiting on your updates. And I better know..
          Omfg.. You know of that picture?! That's one of my favorites! :D besides the one where there is a bird on the ground and another bird is standing next to it and says "you fell" and the one on the ground says "don't judge me". XD
          ~Alexxxxx (omg I know right? I'm so excited! We need nicknames!)


@FakeName But Alexxxxxx! I know you'll be on your edge but that's the point! I want you to be all curious and stuff so that anticipation will be there. You'll know when it happens though ;)
          I will have your back forever and always :D Like that one picture of the stick figures where the one is literally holding the others back :D
          -Trinity (oh my god I'm bouncing up and down cause we're best frands now :D)


Oh look, Trinity came to your wall and is posting on it! You know why? Because I gots an idea that is going to make you smile like you ain't never done before. I'm not gonna tell you because it's super secret and I want you to wait for it, but I know your gonna love it :)
          Keep your chin up girl, Holla at the blond if you need anything~!
          -Trinity x
          P.S. --l> I'm your best friend now, okay? Okay <3


          Where were you when you first saw this? I was in Tropical Smoothie, ordering a Strawberry Lemonade and do you know what? I sat there and watched the tv roll by, showing clips and scenes and reports of the families and the situation. And do you know what? It hit me like a ton of bricks today that I may seem like I appreciate everything I have, but in reality, I probably take everything for granite. I hope this is a wake up call for America for all of us to get ourselves together, and learn to become ONE NATION again; not a torn nation. My prayers are to the families, and to the 3 people that had died, including an 8 year old child, who had so much to live for yet crossed the final finish line too soon.


Mom: "Are you ok? Why do you look depressed? It doesn't look good on you."
          What I Wanted to Say: "No. I'm not ok. I'm awkward and clumsy. You constantly tell me that I act like a boy, and tell me you wish that I would be like other girls. That I would be more lady like and proper. I have friends, but I don't have friends. You ask why nobody asks me to do anything? It's because they don't want to do anything with me. They use me for their own personal gain and talk to me. But do they really care? No. They don't. They'll make plans infront of me and talk about how they're going to go see the latest movie or go shopping or how their mom bought them tickets and they're inviting them to come along. We are in the drive thru now not because I'm hungry, but because I eat my feelings. I eat to fill up the void; the void of loneliness. No, Mom, I'm not ok." 
          What I Actually Said: "Yeah, Mom. I'm fine. Just a bit hungry."