
Okay,  but seriously! If there's a heaven, pineapples and cottage cheese is a slice of it <3


You doing okay?
          I hope you are.
          Still miss you, still checking on you.
          Uhmm... yeah. 
          come back soon, ml. <3


I missed you too man :3
            It's good to be back.


@stonedsuperstar Ah, I wasn't really able to access the internet after my mom deleted all of my accounts, so I wasn't able to reach out to anyone up until now :/
            I guess I've just been, you know, doing life, lol. School, work, yadda yadda. :P


@K1ngK1tsune  Where have you BEEN? if thats okay to ask, if its like not then thats cool but i missed you dude


I know a lot is going on, but just in case you can only check on your phone I just wanted say that I sent you some messages. Most importantly my most recent two ( I'm hoping they have some good advice for you and your situation :( )
          Also I'm a bit worried about the name change? It feels odd to me that your would choose that and I hope you're okay. I'm worried about you, but not as much as I have been.
          (mostly through powerlessness though but I'm still happier than before, please don't worry about me)
          Just wanted to let you know on here. If you want it, I can give you an internet hug.
          (the only people I hug are my family, so I hope you know that even offering an internet one means a lot. You can say no though. It won't hurt my feelings if you find it silly or something like that)


Oh also if your mom has a problem with people online talking to you, please just delete this! I don't want you to get in more trouble.