Currently editing The Musical Alchemist. There are major changes being made so there are some scenes and sections that are being added which are important to read. Also I realized there are some major plot holes I didn't realize I made, so those are as well being fixed.
I won't be deleting any chapters so people won't loose sections they have commented on. I know many of you have had conversations on certain spots, and it pleases me that so many people have taken interest in my fanfiction.
This post is my overall thanks to everyone who's read it so far and I do plan on continuing and finally finishing it. So many people are waiting and I do apologize for my procrastination, but with everything happening in my life... Well it's been hard to get back into writing. I tried starting fresh and started writing original novels, however even those got put on hold due to school/health problems.
But I'm almost done my second college semester, and my health problems aren't exactly resolved yet, however I do miss writing.
So that's why I decided to take back up my mission and finish my fanfiction. It's a story that involves my first original character I've created, as well the first story I wrote that wasn't a one shot.
So again thank you everyone who has read and enjoyed the fanfiction. As well, thank you to those who loved it so much as to follow me. I know you guys don't really comment on these, but at least I want you guys to know how thankful I am. I'm currently editing the beginning chapters of the fanfiction, so hopefully in a couple days they all will be fixed up.
Again, thank you and I hope you continue enjoying my series :)