
Gunner is back up again. I’ve made a few changes to it nothing dramatic but I hope it suits the story more. Sorry for taking a little time to do it .. life’s been a little crazy as I’m sure you all understand with all that’s going on right now. Anyway as always much love xoxo 


Hey! Are you still active and writing? Do you have any plans to write another MC story, one for Tiny? 


I’m active and yes I’m currently writing, tho this is taking me a while to do this years been a crazy one. I’m currently working on something a little different tho I don’t see it been out yet for some time. As for Tiny he might one day get his own little story tho I have not made any plans for him yet, sorry to say this. I’m also sorry for such a long wait before my reply. I will keep Tiny in mind for any further MC stories I may write. Much love xoxo 


Gunner is back up again. I’ve made a few changes to it nothing dramatic but I hope it suits the story more. Sorry for taking a little time to do it .. life’s been a little crazy as I’m sure you all understand with all that’s going on right now. Anyway as always much love xoxo 


To anyone who is currently reading Gunner fair warning it is going to be removed for me to go over it as I’ve had quiet a few messages of people thinking that it’s just not realistic. They may be correct I have yet to actually go over my story and really read it all together as I was having a rough time when I posted it up and I was just writing to escape from the real world. I would like to apologise to anyone and everyone if what I’ve wrote has upset you in anyway. It was never my intentions to do this and I hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Xoxo 


From some of what I read, I got the impression that you are younger, I appologize if I'm mistaken, but that's kund of what drew me to you. Your last post looked like you had improved some in your writing, and I really hope you continue with it. I think anything musical, and writing are some of the best things people can put thier time into, and I absolutely love seeing young girls start writing, and see how they grow both at writing, and thier own personal self through the process. I started writing around 13, and was actually really good at it, until my adult responsabilities became to large to keep up in my later 20s, and had to quit. So when I see someone with potential now, I try to encourage them to keep going, because I know how bad it can hurt when youtake a break too long, and lose some of the talent and gift from lack of use. If you ever want to talk, or ask about something, just reach out. I may take a bit to respond, cuz I suck at checking messages lol.... But I will eventually get back to you. Good luck, and keep up with your writing


Thank you for your kind words, also thank you for taking the time to comment on here. Im also bad at commenting back on messages it takes me a long time to actually see them. Shameful on my behalf really. Most of my stories were written when I was younger and now I’m a little older and have lost that ability to write more fluently and smoothly. I do try tho it takes me a while to get out of writers block. Music is a big inspiration to me, as well as art tho I’m not very talented in that area. I really do appreciate your comment tho so thank you yet again. I hope you have a wonderful day. Much love xoxo 


Hey sweetie, I'm just starting gunner, and I really like your layout so far. I read your profile, but didn't really get much of who you are, but I decided to follow, cuz you've gained my interest. I saw that your dyslexic, I am too.... Actually, I have mirror dyslexia, but some how found a way to overcome it. I have no idea how, but to let you know, it's possible. I'm enjoying your story, but I would recommend finding someone on her to edit for you. I got to a point that I was exceptional at editing and being able to correct things quickly, but I started have seizures about 5 years back, and it's messed some stuff like that up in my brain. But I have seen many authors put requests out for people to edit thier work, and usually most don't offer any kind of pay or anything, and find people that take it on as practice, because they want jobs as editors later on. You might have to post a request a few times, but I think it could help your writing, and reader views alot. I saw you asked about books to read.... There should be thousands on my profile that come up if you're interested, but so far my top favorite on this site is blue fire, and red blaze, and she's just started the 3rd book, black something??? I think inferno or something like that. I will worn, it's a biker series, but probably the most graphic and rough thing I've ever read, and will also rip your heart out, but turn around and put you right back together with laughter, but I guess a full array of emotions makes for a great read. 


Thank you for your suggestions I will take them into account. I mostly post my stories on here to just let them out, I never really thought anyone would actually read them and even slightly enjoy them. Tho I do enjoy reading a good book I will give your subjections a look, see if they can pull me in. I’m sure they will. Much love xoxo 


I just read over my story Watch Out For The ???? ... it needs some serious work done to it .. so bad. So I will be removing it within the next few weeks to edit and maybe rewrite it as I wrote it when I was very young.. this is just an update so those who are reading it have time to read it.. as always much love xoxo 


Love your book “Gunner”. Can’t wait for not MC books! Will you be making a book for Tank?


Thank you for your kind words they are very much appreciated. I have no plans to write another MC story at the moment. I’m actually working on something a little different. Sorry if this disappoints. Tho I’m not saying never just not right now. Much love xoxo 