
NEW STORY IS UP! Festival of the Magic Star is officially up for reading enjoy 


Lovers from another life is a story I kind of put on the back burners and all but forgotten about. Would you guys be interested in me doing a revamp of the story and the plot? Starting from scratch and re introducing everyone? I was reading through the old chapters and found a small spark start up again inside me and it made me kind of want to take a jab at a tear run and see how it does? 


Chapter two for Tales of Rouge Prince is up! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!!!! Sorry for the long weights for chapters I’m posting these as I finish the rough drafts and edit the final chapters! Pls do feel free to leave ways I can improve the story in the comments I welcome the friendly critique! Other wise enjoy! 


Hey guys remember how I kept saying I would re write the lost princess but it kept falling through? We’ll wait no longer!!!! The reboot is finally here for real!!! First chapter is posting and the second is in the works so stay tuned for updates! 