
Posted my other fan OCS in my art book, hope you guys like em :]


Hello everyone! I'm just wanting to tell y'all something and want your guys opinion on something!
          First off, I'm probably gonna be redoing my sun x moon book because the chapters, don't get me started on it. But! I'm probably going to because I have ideas for the chapters that might help the story a little later on. now that I have said that.
          It's still in the making but I'm making an au! Called the fantasies and kingdoms au, though I'm gonna be finding a different name for because, l o n g. I'll be making a book of it once I got designs done and I'll be introduction characters I haven't before!
          Explaining a few stuff: Sun and moon are princes of the Solaris and lunaris kingdoms, the kingdoms have been fighting for generations after an incident that happened years ago. Both are the heirs of their fathers
          Sun is named sunrise! He has an older brother named Solarix and is in an arranged marriage with a female named daylight 
          (And you may be wondering, BUT DOESN'T THE ELDEST GET THE THRONE? no, little rixie over here wants to be a knight :] and his father supports him because I love supportive fathers )
          Moon is still named moondrop, he has two younger siblings LunaShine (sister) and Callisto (brother)
          Theres gonna be other species of course, I got like three right now and I'm getting more ideas for some. It's just a fantasy world <3 okay now I stop writing about this. I write too much


@Potatoeschaps He is very kind! (Brave and a bit protective of his little brother he just wants the best for him)


Can’t wait to read it! <3 (Solarix sounds so flipping cool! Him wanting to become a knight, hopefully he’s a kind character)


This is literally just a little rant so don't mind this.
          Very random but I was just on Twitter and came across hate on sunxmoon, and their saying it's incest.!? WHY CAN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND THEY. ARE. NOT. DANG. BROTHERS! That is a head canon 
             I'm getting frustrated whenever I see someone say that to sunxmoon shipper, like. "BUT THEY'RE BROTHERS" or "BRO TOOK SELF LOVE TO A WHILE NEW LEVEL" 
          I swear, I'm going to smack someone into 2024.
          The people probably search for it just to hate on it wasting time of their lives to comment something so stupid and unoriginal. I was thinking of making sunxmoon videos on YouTube or something but now? I'm not so sure because this is just ridiculous.
            Thank you for taking the time to read the thing I had angrily typed out. :] Now I go lay down in a ditch and slowly decay


@FallenEmoDeer8 I totally understand that- Scot never said they're brothers or something. That's number one impossible. That would mean that all animatronics made from the same person would be siblings- However, that's a head canon that everyone use as canon lore because they're too stupid to admit some things. They can have fun and make AUs, there are so many AUs. However, they shouldn't use is as a canon part of the lore, which frustrates me.


Hello everyone
            I'm sorry it's taking some time for chapters to come out, some things have happened. One of those things happening a day ago so I'm just feeling a bit down and unmotivated right now.
            I'll try to get part 13 done and posted but I cannot say exactly when.
            And I will still be active.
          That's all for now, have a wonderful day or night 


@FallenEmoDeer8 Its fine to be taking breaks, hope you feel better soon and things should turn around for the better soon hopefully <3