
Even though she's a little new,would anyone care to romance her? Doesn't matter if we've rpd before or not,she's mainly towards someone who's more on the dominant side and loyal,and who would just be great all together 


And feel free to cb or drop starters whenever possible 


            Ok it will be on my main account -Gh0stOfSparta-


@-PitSt0ps- sure,it doesn't matter


            Wanna do something with a black knight oc? I can tag 


Sarah was once a princess who quickly rose to queen once she and others found out her dragon transformation,a white dragon,which was rare in their time among the other species they deal with when exploring,most people honored the new queen,but others thought she was too dangerous because of it and wanted her out of power and exiled
          Her mother was killer a few years ago before her discovery during war,which lead to her nation fighting against one of the strongest prince's of their time,who is alos wanting to marry Sarah for a truce,but refused since she doesn't trust men all that well after her late father,who wasn't the brightest,Sarah also commands a nest of dragons that dwell within the mountains,she's also looking for a lover of sorts too,her personality is on the kinder side,but rougher towards intruders or people foreign to her home


" Has anyone ever told you that you smell ... weird ? "


@lovelylustings he nods. "Yep,pretty much,although i have fought a few monsters before,so that's probably what your smelling,plus the curse the witch put on me was kind of an old thing,something about not being able to find true love and if someone does get close to you,they'll end up getting hurt,so I've been pretty much doing my own thing."


" ... So human . Just ... with spells put on you ? "


@lovelylustings "I'm a traveler to be exact,although i was cursed by a witch sometime ago though,I'm also trying to better myself as a warrior."


you've been following me. 


@-sacrifiicial- "really? That's surprising..normally most people are afraid to go up there,I've tried to either kill it or tame it,but I haven't had any luck on either,it would help me with further becoming a warrior."


" yes , i am aware . i'm hoping to find it . "


@-sacrifiicial- he shrugs slightly. "If you say so,just be careful around those mountains if you go there,I may know them like a map,but some kind of monster made them it's home."


"You know of the winchesters how do you know them?" 


@ANGELOFTHELORDS-- "the Winchesters? I don't believe I've heard of them before? I probably would have if they were monster hunters..the only names that come up in my mind are van helsing and a few others.." he would watch the other carefully. "I don't think I've seen you before..whi are you exactly?"


People sure do get upset over the littlest things in an rp,might as well stick with discord for a while,let me know of anyone on here wants it since it's mostly quiet on my end,even if we haven't talked much,plus I've had who knows how many people block me over stuff like that,especially with asking questions,I'm not sure if I should post their username though,cause I literally did nothing 


[@Immortal_Soul-] /    It’s unfortunate how people take things too seriously, especially something that’s meant to be fun. It’s kind of sad ngl. 