
Subscribe ❤️Sariiandlele 
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So, today sucks, doesn't it?
          Life is a mix of really great days that you wish would never end followed by a few bad days that you can't wait to get done with. It's an endless cycle, really. It knocks you down just hard enough so that you can get back up again, and trust me, you will get back up again. It is way too easy to obsess over the things that you can't change and the days that make you not so excited for tomorrow. Take a deep breath, compose yourself, and remember how many good days you've actually had.
          If you can point out what exactly is making your day go the way it is then you have the opportunity to change it. If it is one event after another and there would be just about no way to end the cycle, leave it. The sun will rise again in the morning and you are going to be OK. Sometimes it's just not your day and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't freak out, just let it run its course.
          Sit down for a minute and close your eyes and think about every part of your day. Think about what happened since the moment you woke up. Think about the test you failed and the coffee you spilt, but also think about the way the sun felt on your skin and the way you laughed with your friends. Think about the bad, yes, but also think about the good. There is a moment in this day that might not have been as bad as you think, a moment that makes you realize that everything is going to work out. You can't forget about the little things that warm your heart and fuel your soul; you can't forget to appreciate the things that have gone right.
          In the end it comes down to one short saying, "It's a bad day, not a bad life." Don't give up on tomorrow just because you can't see past today. It can't rain forever, days are temporary and life is way too short.