So today I got home from school and finally sat down when Kyleigh brought me an old notebook that the girls had been using to draw in. At the back there was some writing and I looked over it only to find that it was a "play".
I remember getting a group assignment in my 7th grade drama class we had to, as a group, come up with a 3 page play, get costumes, and preform it for our class. The play we had to do was a twist on the fairytale universe so my group sat down and started talking. None of us were good at writing but they chose me to write the script. They gave me a list of characters and an idea of what they wanted to happen. That day I came home and wrote the "play" I have sitting in my lap right now.
The "play" is nothing compared to what I write now and I honestly think that's where I got my love for writing. It's amazing to see the script that turned into 10 pages then look at me 50- 100 or so paged books an just see the growth. I even found something from 9th grade and my writing has still advanced and it's only been two years.
It's insane and wonderful to see the changes in...everything you do. Just looking at how much your skills advance the longer you use them is amazing.