Hello my lovelies!
So I am slightly upset, approximately 20 of my beautiful followers have left me :(
Yes yes I know very sad.
I felt as if I needed to address the fact that this is happening. I understand people won’t follow a page that isn’t updating and I’m sorry that I’m not but I simply haven’t had the time to write. I have school Monday through Friday, I have streams on Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights, I just recently started drawing and considering starting it professionally as a part time job, I have to help teach my cousin school, I have chores, and on top of all of that I still have a lot of editing to finish. I understand other writers have school and stuff and still manage to post but I simply do not have the time. I am truly sorry that I’m not able to but I promise I am trying.
I’m not saying “I’m trying, don’t leave!” (I mean obviously I don’t want to lose my beautiful followers) but still. I’m not trying to force anyone to stay I’m just explaining that I have a lot on my plate and I’ve got some emotional stuff happening too so there’s a lot. And please don’t point out that other people can do it. I know they can but I’ve never been great at managing time, I have editing and I’m trying to make the chapters longer for all of you.
(You know I probably shouldn’t put you guys through the tournament considering how much you are all going to HATE the ending... huh oh well.)
Anyway, thank you to the followers that have stayed, thank you to the followers that have joined and thank you to the followers that left, I’m truly sorry that my book wasn’t worth waiting for.
Alright everyone that’s it, remember, if you ever have any concerns or questions (or just want to talk) please feel free to send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
-Love you muchly