To all you who have enjoyed my fanfic "Surprise Rats",
While I have greatly enjoyed writing this fanfic, I have had major writers block and have not been able to develop any new ideas for it. It is for this reason that I am going to unpublish said fanfic, and write a new one with a few different characters. I will be keeping a couple of OCs, but most will be different from what they were initially. I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I have to do this. My cousin Nicole has been having similar problems with her two fanfics, however, she has also been a lot busier than me with a lot more problems. She went into the hospital about two months ago to have her appendix removed, and she has recovered well, but she has always had slow recoveries from things. Hopefully she will be back soon with some updates for you all.
Thank you all for reading, and I once again apologize for taking down my fanfic "Surprise Rats". Hopefully soon I'll be back with a new fanfic.