
OMG YOU GUYS! I've been gone for so long... My laptop broke down and I couldn't get it fixed. I have sooooooooooo much to catch up on...


Help Wanted: Someone that makes book covers. If you know anyone bring him to me alive. And if you are one, show yourself and PM me.
          Reward, the satisfaction to see another one of your great works.


I can help you make one if you need it. o: All I need is the title and picture. And maybe describe how you want it arranged? I'll do the best I can.


Alright babes! I have posted a new story just something I did although my eyes were begging me for sleep. I just didn't want the idea to slip away! But I really hope you like it it's called "Imaginary Frienemy" 
          Also, I need someone to make me book covers for my guide and my new book. PM me if you know anyone...