I've decided to use this message board to explain the passion I have for fanfiction as a writer.
Everyone has their own story and famous people live there's so loud that as a writer playing with material and personalities allows you to even delve into yourself. I find you can find fascinating characters in real life all around. And it's so interesting to apply it to your works.
One: How to write with passion.
Two: Writing characters that are defined
As a writer we always search for inspiration and people themselves can spark that. It's insanity being a writer and fanfiction shows the other side to a writers twisted mind when it comes to analyzing characters.
Yes you could come up with your own world with characters you imagined.
But are the characters someone you're related to? Someone you used to know, Friends, Love interest, Celebrities you admire, Characters from a novel you love?
What I pose is this.
Can you truly create a character you don't see yourself in that you can allow authenticity with?
Fanfiction reveals the twisted nature of the way we see ourselves in others and how we want to connect.
If you made it to the end I guess thanks for reading this far in my rant~