I'm caught in a lie
Lost in darkness broken into pieces
Yet in this society we are called to place
And slowly we glue our masks on
That we refer to as personality
Slowly I'm withering
The petals of this once perfect rose
Are falling apart
Sweeter than sweet
Your love was
But poisoned bitter secretly it is
That reflection I see in the mirror is someone who seems whole
But that isn't me for only my eyes seem hollow and dead
My blood,sweat ,and tears
My last dance
Take em all
As I slowly walk away from you
All I have left are scars
I need you
Yet I hate you
All I have left to do is run.
Fall, everything
Fall, every part of me shatters
Never mind
Since when did you care
When you thought I would fail
I had to pick myself up
I don't give a sh*z
I don't give a f
Never mind